This handbook describes what is expected by players in the Lexington Amateur Ice Hockey Association (herein referred to as the
LAIHA) as well as what players can expect of the LAIHA.
General Information:
All games are played at the Lexington Ice Center (referred to as LIC hereafter) located at 560 Euerka Springs. LIC phone number is
269-5686. Your Captain or League Officer will notify you of changes in game schedules. Schedules can be found on the LAIHA
web www.laiha.com.
The LAIHA was organized to offer residents of Lexington and outlying areas a place to play organized recreational hockey and most
importantly to have fun.
LAIHA is a Non-checking / Non-contact league. Obviously with the speed of hockey and the range of skill of players on the ice,
accidental contact may occur. However, intentional checking / contact is not tolerated (see the Rules section).
LAIHA information may be found on its web site at www.LAIHA.com. Changes in game schedules, current team rosters, league
officers and contact information will be posted along with most of the LAIHA information.
There are no refunds for league dues. If a players misses ice time because of illness or injury, credit may be applied to future games.
If a player moves away from the Lexington area during the middle of a season, the player may make a written request for a refund.
Request must be submitted to the league officers listed on the web site.
The league is always open to any player (male or female) who is 18 years of age or older. During the spring and summer sessions,
players under 18 years of age may play with the consent of one legal guardian and an officer of the LAIHA. We have a non-compete
with the Bluegrass Youth Hockey Association (BYHA) that states we can not allow players eligible for BYHA and High School teams
to play in our league during their regular season.
All minor penalties during the course of game play are 3 minutes. Major penalties are 7 minutes.
A player that is assessed 5 penalties in a game, (i.e. 5 minor, 3 minor & 1 major, 1 minor & 2 major or 3 major), will be ejected from
the game and will be suspended from the next following game. This rule has been adopted from USA Hockey Rules.
If a players wishes to act as a referee or scorekeeper, contact supervisor of referees.
During normal (non-tournament) play, games are played without a stop clock. Typically, games begin with about five-minute warm
up followed by three 15 to 17 minute periods. During the final 2 min of a game that is within 1 goal or a tie the remainder of the game will be played with stop clock.
Laiha offers sessions year round for all different skill levels
For the Fall and Winter session we offer a B , C and D league. The Fall session runs from Mid Sept thru mid Dec. The Winter session runs from early Jan thru mid April. We also offer a Spring session which runs from mid April to June and a Summer Session which runs from mid June thru August.
D League offers a 15 game session for the fall that carries over into a 15 game winter sessionIt is a mixture of players that are over 40 or brand new to the game and still learning the rules and want a chance to learn the game in a less competitive environment. During the season we offer a mixture of games as well as some on ice drill sessions to help players work on individual skills needed to improve. There is normally 4 teams but we have had as many as 5 teams depending on how many register.
C League offers a 15 game session for the fall that carries over into a 15 game winter session. All game results and stats from the fall carry over into the winter session and at the end of the winter session we have a playoff and end the session with a championship game. C league typically has 6 or 7 teams depending upon how many registrations we have. Teams typically will have 13-16 players on their roster with a mixture of full time and part time participants. C league is a mixture of skill levels and age groups from 20 years old up to 70 years old. C league players typically have some previous hockey experience including other adult leagues , high school or even college play. If a player displays a skill set that does not fit within the overall skill level of the C league then they may be asked to drop down to our D league or move up to our B league depending on the situation.
B League offers a 15 game session for the fall that ends with a playoff and championship game at the end of that session. When the winter session begins all game results and stats are reset and a new 20 game session starts over. B League typically has 3 or 4 teams depending upon how many registrations we have. Teams typically will have 13-16 players on their roster with a mixture of full time and part time participants. B League offers our most competitive level of hockey with most players having played for over 10 years with a high level of play in high school , college and possibly beyond. If a player displays a skill set that does not fit with the overall skill level of the B League that player could be asked to move down to our C level and be reevaluated later.
Spring and Summer Session.--- Both the spring and summer sessions are a mixed skill level from D up to B league. These sessions are only 10 games with a championship game at the end. No playoffs, no point system and no stats are kept. The top two teams at the end of the session plays each other for a championship.
Players can register as full time players and play as many or as few games as they wish.
The amount of money will be posted at the LIC on the bulletin board, on the LAIHA web site and on the registration/waiver form. Full time captains of teams, (each team has one captain) also receive a discount of an amount determined by the league officers prior to each session.
New players to the league may always join at any time during a session up to and including the halfway mark of the session. The
addition of new players past the halfway point in a session is determined based on the number of players already signed up.
The decision is made by league officers, not team captains.
New players are placed on a particular team by a decision of one of the league officers (not by a team captain).
If a team has less than 5 players (counting the goalie), the game will be forfeit to the other team. If both teams have less than six
players (counting the goalie), both teams will be marked as a loss. The captain may elect to add-on additional players. The player
must be a legal LAIHA player and a fee collected before face off.
For general rules and regulations of game play, the LAIHA has adopted the rules of USA Hockey.
Players must inform officers in writing requesting transfers from one team to another but it is the league officer’s decision as to
accept the transfer request.
League officers attempt to balance teams so that the skill levels of players are spread across all teams.
What Players Can Expect of the LAIHA
All players must wear hockey skates, a hockey regulation helmet (shield or mask are optional), hockey gloves, regulation stick, shin
pads, cup/pelvic protector, elbow pads. Mouth guards, hockey socks, shoulder pads, hockey pants or other items are optional. During
tournament play players must have team jersey.
The term “legal LAIHA player” means a that a player has paid their dues and fines has filled out a registration/waiver form and is
wearing the required game equipment for the game.
For games that are designated as pick-up games, each player is expected to bring a light and dark jersey.
Only team captains or assistant captains may appeal a ruling by a referee. The appeal must be made at the time of the infraction.
Berating or abusive behavior by a player of any referee will result in a minor being assessed to the player. If the captain still
disagrees with the call, the captain may make a written request to the LAIHA officers within 24 hours of the game.
The LAIHA is not a democracy. The decisions by the referees and the league officers are final (though some decisions can be
appealed to the league disciplinary committee). Neither referee nor league officers positions are positions elected by the general
players. Referees are appointed by the supervisor of referees. New league officers are elected by existing league officers. Team
captains are appointed by the league officers.
All players pay equal amounts of money and should expect to play a relatively equal amount of time as their fellow players during
each game. Certainly, there are times at the end of a game or in the course of power plays where the team’s captain may elect to
place certain players on the ice.
All attempts are made to provide referees for each game. The LAIHA makes no guarantee that there will be a referee at every game.
A player should feel free to contact their captain or a league officer at any time, (except in the middle of play), to ask questions about
league decisions, rules, etc.
A player can expect to be notified immediately (or as soon as possible) by an officer or the supervisor of referees of any suspensions.
If attempts to contact the player are unsuccessful within a reasonable period of time, the suspension will still be enforced.
A player can request in writing an appeal of suspension to the league disciplinary committee or a league officer.
All players will be given a receipt for cash money paid to the LAIHA for proof of payment.
It is the responsibility of a player to prove payment (either by cashed check or by receipt). It is not the responsibility of league
officers to prove non-payment when decisions about player’s legal status is in question.
All players are encouraged to submit suggestions. These may be made verbally but are best submitted in a written manner to one of
the league officers.
All players will have access to the rules the LAIHA governs its players by.
Players may make a request in writing to one of the league officers to view the books (money) for a given session, have a copy of the
minutes of league officers meetings, or copy of the LAIHA Incorporation.
Players can expect that their dues are used to pay for the following:
* Ice time for games
* LAIHA web site
* Supplies (pucks)
* Banking Fees
* Referees
Rules of the LAIHA Players Must Follow
New Rules as of the 2020 Fall Session
---All Players MUST wear a numbered jersey. (Fall and Winter Session Referees will enforce this rule.
---Players who fail to make payment in full before the first game of the session will be subject to a 75 dollar fine.
---Players who owe LAIHA fees from previous seasons may not register or play until past fees are paid in full
---Goalies must be current on fees to recieve first priority
---B League Goalie team assignments will be based on skills / ability as rated by team captains and League Officers
---C League Goalies will be drafted each year based on the prior year standings eith the Championship Team recieving last pick regardless of regular season finish.
The following set of rules are presented in the following format. First, the rule is stated.
Following the rule is the fine or penalty for
not following the rule.
All players must fill out a registration/waiver form before stepping on the ice.
Failure to meet this rule will result is a $20 fine to the player for each game played without filling out this form.
Although players may feel this is redundant to do each session, it provides three major pieces of information: A.) helps the league
and/or your captain determine how to contact you to let you know about game information, B.) provides the league with information
about who to contact in the event you are injured, and C.) provides legal liability waiver for both LAIHA & LIC.
All players must pay session fees in full prior to stepping on the ice.
Failure to meet this rule will result in a $20 fee to the player for each game played without paying.
The LAIHA is a non-profit organization and as such attempts to charge an amount to each player that will marginally cover ice time,
referee costs during the course of the session. Failure to pay promptly results in potential difficulties for the LAIHA to meet its billing
payment responsibilities.
Any action by any player to intentionally injure another player is illegal in LAIHA game play.
Failure to meet this rule will result in a suspension. The length will be determined by the disciplinary committee. Furthermore,
any suspended player will be fined $100 per incident. Two such penalties in a six month period of time will result in an
automatic indefinite suspension and the player will not be able to return to future game play within the LAIHA without the
league disciplinary committee board approval and have paid all fines and dues plus any additional fines as determined by the
The LAIHA players are not professional players and have either jobs or school which they must remain healthy for. There are no
games played in the LAIHA which are of such importance that a player should feel the need to attempt to injure another player. Any
player who believes violations of this rule are occurring may report to either their captain, a referee or a league officer.
During regular season and tournament play, all players must wear their official team jersey.
Failure by any player on a team to wear their official team jersey will result in that team forfeiting the game.
Exceptions may be made if new players or recently traded players have not received a jersey from the LAIHA (back ordered from
supplier, etc.).
Only legal players may play during LAIHA games. A registered player is one who has completed their registration/waiver form and
has paid fees. If a non-legal player plays a game, that player automatically receives a two game suspension. If the player was already
suspended, the player will be assessed a $50 fine and the game forfeited.
Purposefully avoiding LAIHA rules is not tolerated.
Any player who purposefully attempts to avoid one of the rules will be fined $25 and suspended from play. If this player incites
other LAIHA players to avoid one or more of the rules, the player will be suspended and fined $50.
Written or verbal profanity directed at team captains, referees or league officers is not permitted.
If a league player violates this rule, a $20 fine and game suspension will be assessed.
Captains, referees and league officers try the best they can to perform their various tasks. They should expect to not receive this sort
of treatment.
Zero Tolerance for Drugs and Alcohol. No use of illegal drugs, alcohol will be permitted before or during games, nor within LIC
after games. If a league player violates this rule they will be permanently suspended from LAIHA.